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Collection Development Policy

Policy concerning how the library selects materials

This policy is intended to be used as a guide to direct the Library Director and trained staff in the various aspects of collection development

  • Criteria for Selection
    1. Availability, suitability, and quality of each particular format of materials is considered along with the suitability of subject, style and use by the intended audience.  Differences in criteria for adult and youth collections are recognized.

 2. The library will provide any materials which help meet its objectives.
     Materials acquired will meet Keller Public Library standards of quality in
     content, expression, and format.

 3. All materials, except those which are in special demand and cannot be
     duplicated, including rare and fragile items, will be lent for home use under
     library regulation and procedures.

     4. The library collections for patrons under age 18 are split into the “E”
         collection, which is intended for ages birth to 2nd grade, the “J” section which
         is intended for patrons 3rd grade through 8th grade, and the “YA” collection
         which is intended for patrons in 9th grade and above. There may be some
         variation in the age appropriateness of each collection.

     5. Separate collections are available for children and young people, but it is not
         the responsibility of the Library, its Board of Trustees, staff, or volunteers to
         determine which collection they should use or what item in the approved
         collections is suitable for an individual. The responsibility for materials used by
         minors rests completely with their parents or legal guardians.

    Materials no longer useful in the light of stated objectives of the library shall be systematically weeded from the collection according to accepted professional practices. Soiled, damaged, mediocre, or obsolete books may be destroyed at the discretion of the Director.

      •  The library subscribes to the Library Bill of Rights of the American                                                                           

                Library Association which affirms it belief in the following basic policies:

      1. As a responsibility of library service, books and other material selected should be chosen for values of interest, information and enlightenment of all the people of the community. In no case should any book be excluded because of racial, nationality, political, or religious views.
      2. There shall be the fullest practical provisions of material presenting all points of view concerning the problems and issues of our time, including international, national and local. Books or other reading material of sound, factual authority shall not be prescribed or removed from the collection because of partisan or doctrinal disapproval.
      3. Censorship of books by volunteer arbiters of moral or political opinion or by organizations which would establish a coercive concept of Americanism must be challenged by libraries in maintenance of their responsibility to provide public information and enlightenment through the recorded word.
      4. Libraries should enlist the cooperation of allied groups in the fields of science, education and publishing in resisting all abridgements of the free access to ideas and full freedom of expression that are the tradition and heritage of Americans.


      Request for Reconsideration:

      1. When a patron objects to the presence or absence of any Library materials, presentation, event, or display, they are encouraged to discuss their concerns with library staff. All complaints to staff members will be referred to the library director who will discuss the matter with the patron.  If the patron wishes, they will be supplied with the Request For Reconsideration form. 
      2. Once an official Request for Reconsideration is received, the Director, along with the Board of Directors will examine or review the material, presentation, event, or display in question and determine whether it conforms to the standards of Library policy.  The library Board of Directors will decide whether or not to add, withdraw or restrict the material in question.

      Request for Reconsideration Form